Monday, June 18, 2012

sleep is better than gold

I feel like I'm finally starting to find my groove as a mom. I'm getting to know Marshall more and learn about what he is needing at any particular time, and, in the last week, he has started to SLEEP.  Last week we decided to start sleeping him in his crib because he is such a loud sleeper that even when he was sleeping, I wasn't, because he sounded like a velociraptor in the bassinet beside me.  I was a bit apprehensive about this, but my awesome MIL bought us an angelcare monitor, and that definitely helps alleviate a lot of our concerns.  Plus, I am able to sleep when he does.  Anyway, the first night we put him in the crib he slept for 6 hours.  Before that his longest stretch was 4, so we were pretty happy with that, but not sure if it was a coincidence or not.  However, every night since it has been either the same or better.  The highlight was last night where Marshall slept from 9:30 to 5:30.  I woke up at 5 in a panic, and had to go and see if he was breathing.  He was.  When I got back to bed Dan asked how much he had eaten and was quite surprised when I said he hadn't yet.

Let's hope this lasts.

In other news, it has been four weeks since I've been in the hospital and had any major complications (I've had to go to the doctor a few times for some minor ones that could have turned major but didn't) and I'm finally starting to breath easier.  I think I believe that the worst is really over and no more bombs are going to drop.  I think this also plays a big role in the fact that I'm starting to get my groove.  It's great to not constantly look over my shoulder, worrying what is going to go wrong next.

My mom picked up Marshall this morning and is keeping him for the day.  I'm hoping to clean my house, have a nap, and start my couch to 5 k running program.  And likely drink a lot of coffee.