Monday, February 18, 2013

a letter to my almost 10 month old

An excellent blogger mommy that I follow on twitter and her blogs wrote a letter to her son when he turned 9 months old.  A letter to tell him all the things she loves about him and to remember all the little things that she does.  I thought this was an excellent idea, so here is my own letter, to my own little guy, who is almost 10 months old.

Dear Marshall,
I can't believe how the time has flown.  I remember being so frustrated not too long ago that you couldn't put your soother back in your mouth, or crawl, or even way long ago when you wouldn't smile or laugh.  Those days are LONG gone.  You have so much personality.  I love your kisses.  you love to put both of your hands on my face and give me big, open mouth kisses.  they are full of slobber and love and they make me laugh every time.  Sometimes, after giving me a big kiss, you will try to suck on or bite my nose after, and always give me this impish grin when I start to laugh. 

Right now you LOVE your puppy Willow.  You came home from a night at Grandma Flexhaug's one day and though you were happy to see me, you absolutely lit up when Willow came into the room.  The feeling is mutual, and the two of you like to give kisses to each other. 

You can army crawl like no one's business.  we were at a wedding this past weekend and your cousin Ryan said "if he wants to be in the army, that will be really handy", and it's so true.  when you are going towards something you know you shouldn't go to, you always look back at me, smile and try to scoot even closer to your goal.  It's adorable. 

Today you pulled yourself onto your stand-up table toy and proceeded to plank on it.  You tried to dive headfirst over the other side, and would have if I hadn't been there stop you.  I couldn't believe that you tried and succeeded in doing that!

You currently have SIX teeth.  Three of them have just emerged in the past two weeks, and though they are through the surface, you can tell that they are still bothering you.  This keeps all of us up at night, as you are very clearly in pain.  It's hard to keep perspective and remember how much pain you must be in when you are crying a lot.

Marshall, I love you so much.  I can't really remember what life was like before you were here (though I think I got more sleep and saw more movies), and I can't imagine going back to a life without you.  You are my life.

I can't believe you are almost a year old.  Time is going so quickly. 

Love always,