Friday, September 30, 2011

pregnant!?! I am, 7 weeks pregnant again. At first I felt it was doomed to fail, that the fibroids would kill this one like they did the last, and that I was stupid for not taking better protection. However, on Tuesday, mom and I went to an ultrasound appointment, and they saw the little peanut, and it's little heartbeat! I saw the heart beating and teared up. I didn't get to see a heart beat with Zyggy, because Zyggy's heart never beat.

While I'm excited, I'm also scared. And part of me feels guilty, for being excited. I would have been 39 weeks today had Zyggy implanted properly and survived, but he never did. How can I love this little peanut while I still mourn the loss of Zyggy?
what if i lose this one too?

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