Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 weeks old

My little Marshmallow is three weeks old today.  I'm not entirely sure how that happened, as the last three weeks have been a bit of a blur.  I've been back in the hospital twice; once because my c section wound was weeping fluid, and once because I was in unbearable pain.  Found out the second time that the wound is infected and that I have a UTI.  When I went for follow up with one of the amazing doctors that I've seen throughout pregnancy, he looked at me and said "well, you must be asking yourself what else can go wrong, and the answer is, pretty much nothing".  it was after that I got the infection, so I think it's safe to say that everything that possibly could have gone wrong, did.

However, I have a beautiful baby boy.  I went to watch "what to expect when you're expecting" and one of the characters has a horrible pregnancy; she gets every terrible symptom (though doesn't end up on bedrest) and at one point breaks down crying saying that she just wanted the glow.  I can totally sympathize with her.  Then, at the end, she is holding her little boy and declares that he is her glow and that she finally found it.

Marshall is my glow.  He changes more every day and while part of me wishes I could keep him little forever, the other part of me wants to see his personality grow and develop.  I want to know the little man he is going to become.  And, I'm not going to lie, I want more sleep.

But I will do my best to cherish these next weeks and months.  I know that I will never get them back, that he is so precious and that I cannot take him for granted.

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