Sunday, December 18, 2011

Peanut is moving a lot more these days. Little nudges here or there. Still not many definitive kicks, but always letting me know that he/she is there and living and well. It's one of the coolest feelings in the world.

We are slowly getting our nursery together and ready. So far we have a glider/ottoman and a change table that we bought used. Paired with the carseat and stroller that Cindy and Todd are giving us, the crib that mom and dad are buying us, I think we are nearly set and ready for peanut to come. Just a couple of sleepers, a bassinet and maybe a blanket or two and we will be ready!

This week Peanut is the size of a large mango and weighs half a pound already! growing so much.

Next week is Christmas. I bought Peanut a little present, and after wrapping it got to label it "to peanut, love mommy (for daddy to open). This of course set tears into my eyes.
Oh my little peanut. how I love you

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