Sunday, December 4, 2011


I'm fairly certain I feel Peanut on a daily basis. it's not consistent and not usually for long, but there is a little nudging, where I know he/she is, and it's a pretty cool feeling. I can't wait until it's a constant thing, the actual kicking, and Dan can feel it too. I think that will be a pretty cool moment.

I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon, to find out if I'm staying on bedrest or coming off, and to find out if we are able to go to Florida for Christmas or not. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. Part of me is pretty scared to come off of bedrest, scared that I'm not ready or something else is going to happen that will land us in the ER, on the other hand, I'd love to be able to take our planned trip to Florida, to see my parents and sister and cousins and aunts and uncles, but I also don't want anything bad to happen while I'm there. It does ease my mind that my sister is two practicums away from being a nurse, and my uncle is a vascular surgeon, so at least I will have some great resources around me, but Dan's afraid that I will end up in a Florida hospital until I give birth, and, to be honest, that scares me pretty good too.

But, I need to trust my doctor. I know that the bruise is smaller. so, I'm not sure if they will keep me on the rest until it's completely gone, or if it is small enough that they won't worry about it any more and will take me off.

I guess I will know tomorrow.

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