Thursday, February 23, 2012

third trimester!

I can't believe that I reached the third trimester last Thursday and didn't blog about it. I've even had LOADS of time!

I'm feeling great. Peanut is squiggling away in my baby lump right now (which has grown exponentially it feels) and his nursery is really coming together. Today Grandma and Grandpa painted the feature wall with squares of colour where the crib will go, and it is really starting to come together. Tomorrow we will steam clean the carpets and hopefully have everything all set up and ready to go! I will try to figure out how to post a picture when that happens.

It's hard to believe that in a maximum of 11 weeks Peanut will be here. It is standard procedure that if you have a two vessel cord to induce one week before your due date if your baby isn't here, so even though I'm now 28 weeks, it's a maximum of 11 weeks more, and I have a feeling it will be more like nine!

Friday, February 10, 2012

the worry of a C-Section

I've known from the beginning that a C-Section is more than likely in my scenario due to the fibroids. There is actually still a possibility that the doctor might have to do a caesarian hysterectomy, if the fibroids are that big of a problem, and, on a whole, I am mostly ok with this. I mean, of course I want the vaginal birth and the immediacy of holding little Peanut after, but after the miscarriage, a high risk pregnancy, some time on bed rest, I am just so thankful that I will get to hold my little Peanut at all. He is such a miracle, a little gift.

So knowing that C-Section is likely is one thing. The other night I had a flashback and remembered when I was 16 and getting ready to have my wisdom teeth out (the only other surgery I have had). I had to be shipped on a bus six hours away to where my sister lived in order to have a doctor put me under so that I wouldn't be awake to have my teeth extracted. It wasn't enough knowing I would be numb, or that I would only feel pain, I got some incredible anxiety over the fact that I would not be able to be awake while those tiny little teeth were pulled out of me.

Flash forward to now: HOW MUCH WORSE WILL A C-SECTION BE? SERIOUSLY. Sorry for the yelling, but there is some yelling going on in my head, and a little bit of panicking as I wonder if I will be able to do that.

There is the option of being put under general anesthesia for the C-Section, but then I won't hear Peanut's first cry, or get to see him right away. I know that general anesthesia has a nasty effect on me, so I will wake up groggy and drugged later to a little boy. Not the worst thing in the world, but is that something I will choose for myself? Or will I be able to suck it up?

Anyone have any advice?

on grandparents...

Let me premise this by saying that I absolutely LOVE my grandparents. My grandma was the sweetest, most gentle woman I knew. If little Peanut was a girl, the middle name would have been Pauline after my grandma. I also have fond memories of father, my PaPere, who died when I was a child. I loved going to visit him. Though my grandfather and I didn't always see eye to eye growing up, I've really come to respect the man that he is, and have enjoyed getting to know him more in the past few years.

It brings me no end of happiness that Peanut will have grandparents close by at all times. Not only for the spoiling factor, but what kid doesn't need an extra few people to love him like no other? Dan's mom lives only 45 minutes away, and with this being her first grandkid, I'm hoping we are going to see a lot of her. My parents are going to be working in the Red Deer area for the next few years and will even be around at Christmas, and I've recently learned that my grandpa is moving to a retirement home here in Red Deer too, so he will be good and close for Peanut as well.

Though part of me is sad that Peanut will never see the farm that my dad grew up on, the kitchen where I played cards with my grandma and the freezer that I snuck treats out of, it's more important for him to have his great grandfather close by to dote on him.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

25 weeks and freaking out

I have exactly two weeks and one day left on my contract. When I first realized I was pregnant, I started freaking out about the length of my contract, but on the government of Alberta website it says that you can start your maternity leave 12 weeks before your due date. Therefore, I wasn't so worried any more, because my contact ends 13 weeks before my due date, and you have to have a two week waiting period anyways.

As I was laying awake most of last night thinking about maternity leave and benefits and wondering how in the WORLD we are going to afford everything, I posted on a forum I am on for other people having babies in May. One woman told me that you are eligible 8 weeks before your due date, not 12. When I looked at the government of CANADA website, it indeed says that.

so now I'm confused and worried and freaking out. I have 2 weeks and one day left of work. I have seven weeks until I can apply for EI benefits. I have NO idea how I'm going to make any money in those five weeks to help with rent, bills, food, baby supplies, etc.