Friday, February 10, 2012

the worry of a C-Section

I've known from the beginning that a C-Section is more than likely in my scenario due to the fibroids. There is actually still a possibility that the doctor might have to do a caesarian hysterectomy, if the fibroids are that big of a problem, and, on a whole, I am mostly ok with this. I mean, of course I want the vaginal birth and the immediacy of holding little Peanut after, but after the miscarriage, a high risk pregnancy, some time on bed rest, I am just so thankful that I will get to hold my little Peanut at all. He is such a miracle, a little gift.

So knowing that C-Section is likely is one thing. The other night I had a flashback and remembered when I was 16 and getting ready to have my wisdom teeth out (the only other surgery I have had). I had to be shipped on a bus six hours away to where my sister lived in order to have a doctor put me under so that I wouldn't be awake to have my teeth extracted. It wasn't enough knowing I would be numb, or that I would only feel pain, I got some incredible anxiety over the fact that I would not be able to be awake while those tiny little teeth were pulled out of me.

Flash forward to now: HOW MUCH WORSE WILL A C-SECTION BE? SERIOUSLY. Sorry for the yelling, but there is some yelling going on in my head, and a little bit of panicking as I wonder if I will be able to do that.

There is the option of being put under general anesthesia for the C-Section, but then I won't hear Peanut's first cry, or get to see him right away. I know that general anesthesia has a nasty effect on me, so I will wake up groggy and drugged later to a little boy. Not the worst thing in the world, but is that something I will choose for myself? Or will I be able to suck it up?

Anyone have any advice?


  1. I just read this blog the other day...

    1. Thanks Tina! Caryn's blog was actually one of the things that got me thinking about it too. She's an amazing mom.
