Friday, April 27, 2012

I've been itching to post for the past couple of days, but with only internet access on my phone and no desire to try to type out what was going on on my iphone.

Wednesday morning I went to my doctor's appt as normal.  My BP had been high throughout the week at home (quite consistently) and the morning before the appointment I got the only nosebleed I can remember having, which is another sign of high blood pressure.

The doctor I saw on Wednesday I've come to really like and respect.  She said it was time to come up with a plan since I had high BP for so long.  She consulted with the on-call ob and came back to spoke with me.  I was over the moon giddy to finally have a plan.  at that point I didn't really care WHAT the plan was, I just wanted a plan.  I was supposed to go into the hospital for two NST's a week, have an ultrasound every week, and then was likely going to be induced on May 5th, which was my 38 week point.  There was an end in sight.  I had started to feel like my body was falling apart on me, so it was really nice to know that there was an end in sight.

The doctor told me I could head over to the hospital anytime that day for my NST, and I decided to get it overwith and go to the hospital right after my dr appointment.  During the test I contacted Dan, my parents, sister and some friends to let them know how relieved I was to have a plan and be under constant observation to make sure that everything was great with Peanut.  At the end of the NST they called the dr on call as is customary, and I was expecting to be sent home at that point because I was there for a standard test.  I was quite surprised when the nurse told me that the doctor was on his way in and he was going to decide about inducing me.  However, I then heard another nurse saying that the on-call dr likely didn't realize that an ob had already been consulted that day and they would tell him when he got in.

The doctor came in to see me and told me that the doctor I saw a couple hours prior had called him and told him about the appointment.  Apparently, after I left, she consulted the specialist I saw a couple weeks ago (see other post) because she wasn't happy with the plan.  The specialist said that since I'd had high BP for so long that the best plan of attack was just to induce me, so the doctor was there to do that.

I wish they had checked my blood pressure at that very moment.

I started to panic a bit, though excited, and re-called Dan to let him know the new plan.  Someone maybe should have checked his blood pressure too.  Since my cervix was still 3cms long and closed they couldn't start me on pitocin, so they inserted a drug called cervadil that needed to be kept in for 12 hours and would either kickstart labor or start to get my body ready so that pitocin could be started.  I had to lay on my back for two hours after receiving the drug and after that was allowed to get up and walk around.  They moved me into a semi private room with a window, and a couple hours after that contractions started.  I walked the halls with my mom for a bit until I got so uncomfortable with contractions happening every minute and being quite strong so I felt like I couldn't walk.  They decided to come in and make sure Peanut was doing well and weren't super happy with the results.  Because the contractions were coming so close together and with no break, his heartrate was racing and they were a bit worried.  It was also discovered at this time that since they were short staffed, they wouldn't have a nurse for me if I did go into more active labor, so the doctor decided to take the cervadil out after 6 hours and would try again in the morning.

I continued to have strong contractions and back labor, so was given a shot of morphine, had a hot bath, and then was told I could go home for the night and come back in the morning on a pass if I wanted.  I figured that Dan would get more sleep at home, and I was unlikely to sleep well anywhere, so we might as well go home.

I definitely didn't sleep well or much, and was ready to go to the hospital bright and early.  I woke up with a lot of optimism, knowing more of what I was in for and realizing that the next time I came home it would be with my little Peanut guy.

when I got to the hospital they hooked me up to the fetal monitors and were again worried because Peanut's heart wasn't having an accelerations,  which they need to pass the test.  because I was having contractions on my own still, they also debated waiting out the morning to see if my body picked up labor on it's own before they inserted another cervadil, as at this point I was mildly dialated but my cervix was still high and long.  this doctor on call decided to consult with the OB that was on call because of Peanut's hr.  I heard the word c-section and knew that if it was necessary it was, but was still hoping to avoid one.

the OB on call came in to speak with me.  Apparently the specialist I had seen (and the one who had decided to induce me) had said he couldn't come in for a consult, which is why a THIRD ob was consulted on my case in two days.  He didn't understand why they were inducing me without repeating lab work and didn't really see the need.  He said he wouldn't make a decision until he did more tests but at this point he didn't think that I should be induced or helped along with labor.  if it started on its own it did, but that wasn't something he was willing to push.

Needless to say, I was distraught and heartbroken.  I had been prepared to come in for a second day of induction, but was instead told that the plan was being changed YET AGAIN and they weren't going ahead with that.  I cried pretty much all day off and on yesterday, while still having some good contractions and hoped that labor would start on its own.

One of the new issues is that when I'm in the hospital my blood pressure stabilizes, and the on call ob went by the due date that the specialist decided on when I saw him, which is May 24, which only puts me at 36 weeks, and this ob feels it is more important that Peanut make it to 37 weeks than the risk of my BP rising again.

as of right now I'm still not sure of the plan.  It sounds like I will be a patient in the hospital for the next week, and (hopefully) induced again on thursday.  Right now I'm home on a pass, and I have to be back in the morning for repeat tests and to find out the results of my last test, the 24 hour protein.  a fourth OB has taken over my case completely and will now be the one calling all the shots, which at least means I will have consistency and won't have to wonder each day if the plan will be changed once again.

Needless to say, it's been a very difficult, very discouraging couple of days.  I had to come home without my Peanut.  Willow is a bit distraught about everything and Dan doesn't know what to do about work, as he thought he was leaving for a week or two to be with Peanut and I.

1 comment:

  1. What a roller coaster of emotions Mel... My heart is going out to you! I hope you find the strength and patience you need to keep carrying on. He will be here soon, and he will make it so worth it all! I am very much looking forward to seeing pics of your beautiful baby, when he does make his big arrival!

    Thinking of you and sending you love!
