Sunday, April 22, 2012

thought I was gonna have a Peanut

A week and a half ago (man, I need to blog more) we went to the hospital because I wasn't feeling well all day, and we went and checked my BP to find it was 157/97, which is very high for me.  When we got to the hospital they ran a bunch of tests and found protein in my urine, which can be indicative of early pre-ecclampsia.  I was put back on modified bedrest and had to go home to do a 24 hour urine test.  The test came back with high amounts of protein, which had my doctors worried.

I went back to the doc on Monday morning and was told that if I had been two weeks further along (was 35 weeks) I would have been sent straight to the hospital for an induction, but since my BP was ok that day, they were going to try to let Peanut bake a little longer.  I was given a BP monitor to test twice a day at home and told if it got high to go to the hospital, and to come back on Friday to see how I was doing.

My doctor on friday noticed my BP was high again, and was worried about the amount of symptoms I was having, so she sent me to the hospital to do more tests.  While there I saw a doctor I had never met (I see seven different doctors on a regular basis, but any doctor who works at the clinic I go to could be on call and could be the one seeing me and delivering Peanut...I didn't realize this before and I feel like it's a flawed system) and he said he was worried about the amount of symptoms I was having and wanted me to come back in the morning, where they would check my BP and either induce me or send me home.

Needless to say, on Friday night I got NO sleep.  I kept thinking about the pain and wondering how long I would be in labor for and worrying about EVERYTHING.  I finally got out of bed around 5am and just watched stupid videos until Dan got up and we went for our 9am appointment.

I was certain I was having a Peanut that day.

Well, turns out the doctor who was on call (a different doctor YET) decided that I was fine and should go home and rest more.  All I do is rest.  The nurse made me feel like I shouldn't have been there (even though the doctor had booked the appointment) and I went home feeling depressed and let down.  I know it's better for Peanut to bake until 37 weeks if possible, but I have a constant headache, pain in my stomach, spots in my vision, swollen fingers and feet, and it is starting to feel overwhelming.

Today, however, has been a good day.  Even though the doc at the hospital yesterday said that I should basically stay in bed, I went out for brunch with my parents, went to the dog park with Dan, Willow and friends, and ate a screamer.  It was a beautiful fall day in the 20's, and I just didn't want to be inside.  Interestingly enough my BP has been good all day (minus when I first woke up this morning) and during the walk and for a couple hours after, my headache went away (it's back in full force now).

On Saturday I am 37 weeks, and for that day I've officially given Peanut his exit notice.  I'm more than ready to hold him in my arms.

1 comment:

  1. Doing things to make you happy is the best medicine :-) Rent some comedies, or read a favorite book or whatever it takes to stay positive. Continued good luck on the baby baking & I look forward to hearing your arrival news!
