Sunday, November 20, 2011

Poor Peanut (warning, TMI)

Early Thursday morning I woke up and thought I had peed my pants, but when I got to a light it turned out I had gushed blood. I woke Dan up and we got ready in a hurry to go to the hospital. Poor little Willow did not know what was going on, and was visibly worried about us. she did not take kindly to the fact that we were leaving in such a panicky, hurried rush in the middle of the night without her.

I was in the hospital for over 12 hours where I heard Peanut's heartbeat (a strong 140 bpm), had blood taken, a lovely internal exam (where the dr. said my cervix is open a bit) and an ultrasound. At the end of it all, they said that Peanut looks like he/she is ok, but they don't know what caused the blood loss, or why I was still bleeding.

We were sent home frustrated, not knowing what was going on, with the only instruction to take a few days off and take it easy.

the bleeding had stopped by the time we left the hospital, but by the time we got home, later on it started up again. It stopped on Friday morning, but on Friday evening we went out for dinner and a movie with some friends, and it started up again. I've been resting and not leaving the couch/bed since then, with no further problems.

I'm going back to see my doctor on Tuesday morning, and I think there is a good chance I might get put on bed rest, so Dan and I are making plans about what to do if this is the case. it's not ideal, but I will do what's necessary to keep Peanut safe.

The thing that would suck most for me about bedrest is we are supposed to go to Florida for Xmas, and we won't be able to do that if I'm on bedrest. good thing I got insurance on those tickets!

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