Wednesday, November 23, 2011

support system

Peanut, I can't wait for you to meet the great people I have in my life. I would honestly be lost without them. First, is your daddy. he is kind, and caring, and compassionate. He goes out to get me whatever I'm craving, thanks to you, and wants the best kind of life for you. you will love him so much. You also have loving grandparents who can't wait to meet you, on both sides. They have been talking to me, making sure we are ok, and loving us from where they are.
you have many aunts and uncles, both biologically and non. your aunt susie texts every day, to see how we are doing. She lives kind of far, but I think she will spoil you.
and your aunty Jess came with us to the ultrasound the other day, she got to see you wave at us. yesterday your aunt Jill took us to the doctor, and today she's taking us to another ultrasound. Aunty Nicky and Allyssa both check in daily.
There are so many more I can't even begin to name them. You are so loved little peanut. Stay safe and warm.

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