Tuesday, January 17, 2012

don't want to complain

I know that things are really very good. I feel Peanut kick daily, I have a boyfriend that loves me tremendously, and in about 3.5 months I'm going to have a little boy to cherish, love, hold and share.

I just get frustrated sometimes. Frustrated with things going wrong. Today I found out that my fibroids (which I was told a few weeks ago wouldn't be a problem) are likely growing again, as my uterus is measuring like I'm 33 weeks pregnant even though I'm only almost 23 weeks pregnant. Two weeks ago when they measured I was measuring like I was 25 weeks pregnant at almost 21 weeks, but that wasn't as big of a gap and they weren't as worried.

Now, the doc is worried again. And the high risk specialist that they thought they wouldn't have to send me with, I've been referred to.

I'm so thankful that I have this opportunity. that I live in a country where there are accessible, high risk specialists that will help make sure Peanut makes it safely into this world, but with this knowledge we are back to the fact that he might be very premature, among other things.

it's just difficult not to worry.

Something that made me smile today though? Peanut does NOT like the doppler. When the doctor put it on my right side, I felt peanut scoot as far to the left as he possibly could. When she put it up high, he wiggled down low. Such personality already. :)

I love you Peanut. Keep growing. Stay strong. I can't wait to meet you.

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