Tuesday, January 10, 2012

possible complications

I realized I haven't written about the other outcome of our last ultrasound yet. Maybe because I spent the first day freaked out about it, some time in denial, and am now feeling like everything might just have to be ok.

When I went back to the doctor he said that it looks like Peanut has a two vessel umbilical cord, which could cause heart or kidney problems. and he has me back for another ultrasound on Friday to get a better look at his heart and kidneys to prepare us for the future. Silly me went home and googled two vessel cord, and after about five minutes of reading some scary stuff decided to stop. It was, however, enough to get me worked up for a little while.

This pregnancy hasn't been easy. I'm definitely not one of those people who loves being pregnant and wants to do it all the time. I know that the end result will be worth it, but I would like to catch a break.

The good news from that ultrasound was, though, that the bleed in my placenta was healed and the fibroids haven't grown and might not even cause me to have a c-section, which would be great. It would also be great if I got to carry little Peanut as close to term as possible. Though a stay in the NICU wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I would still love to avoid it if I could.

Hopefully Friday proves that there is nothing wrong with little Peanut and I can stop worrying.

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