Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Perfect Little Heart

Third time really is a charm! Even though the tec kept calling Peanut a little stinker, he must have showed off his heart well enough that the radiologist said it looks perfect! I also found out today that he is right where he should be for growth, and chances are really good that I will carry to term. The doctor doesn't even want to see me for another MONTH. :) How great is that.

He's still quite breach (with his feet constantly on my bladder) but has time to turn, so hopefully he will. I'm going for another ultrasound on Feb 13 to monitor his growth, since it is hard to tell by the size of my baby lump due to the three massive fibroids resting in my uterus.

Something else that is great is that Grandma and Grandpa are back in Canada (my parents) and they brought Peanut's crib with them! Tonight my mom and I are going to go and look at paint colours and hopefully painting will begin soon on the nursery.

PS. I've reached the waddling stage of pregnancy. feel free to point and laugh.

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